The Top 10

The Top 10 is a list of our absolute best. This list is difficult to determine since we have had the good fortune to work with so many incredible clients. People ask us to show them our best work, and here it is...

Sovereign Lighting Manufacturing

Responsive Website Design in Saint Augustine

Sovereign Lighting Manufacturing presented another unique challenge and allowed us to stretch our wings once more. 

We built a catalog site that was also e-commerce but for industry trade clients only. We have built out their catalog product listing with comprehensive taxonomy and taken full advantage of Drupal's multi-level access controls to allow Sovereign's staff to see their own internal specs when viewing their inventory, and clients see only the specs they need to order.

We loved the opportunity to make another industrial site look as sexy as possible with much visual punch and to establish a trustworthy presence online for the company. 

See the recent redesign; we replaced a flash site with something equally compelling. Visit the site online.

Friends of Karen

Responsive Website Design in Saint Augustine

Even some CMS websites get a little too complex and become difficult to use. That defeats the purpose of allowing clients and site owners to get the most out of their investment. We were faced with a Drupal installation that needed some reorganization and redesign to get the typical awesome Drupal experience for our client.

The site covers quite a bit of content and has a need to archive much of it. Behind-the-scenes management for this organization is a priority. They needed efficiency and ease of use for this online presence with as much flexibility as possible. We tailor each Drupal CMS site to our clients specific needs and strive to deliver an experience for the administrative team as well as the general audience.

Their critical work and devotion to a vital cause made it all the more important for us to design a site that gave them the ability to communicate with potential donors as well as those needing their help.

The site was relaunched in 2016 as a state-of-the-art responsive Drupal CMS website.

Visit the live site at

Dramatic Pragmatics

Responsive Website Design in Saint Augustine

Dramatic Pragmatics offered one of those challenges we love. We had never handled their type of business or subject matter so we needed some education about language coaching, speech therapy, and social skills therapy. What came out was fun and playful and very well received. SEO got the site found rather fast and began collecting responses from clients very quickly after publishing the site. 

This website was redeveloped as a responsive Drupal 7 site in 2015.

See the site online at

Charles Griffin Intelligence, LLC

Responsive Website Design in Saint Augustine

Communications are not necessarily literal when it comes to marketing and advertising. We like to call it "atmospheric" in the case of Charles Griffin Intelligence. There was a "feel" our client was attempting to evoke with photography and left it to us to put those in position and set them in motion. We were more than happy to assist.

Collaboration with our clients is important to the success of our work and we are always open to their ideas and concerns. We will act as your experts, giving you honest appraisals based on knowledge and experience. We will not shy away from a difficult critique when we feel something could be better and vice versa, we are not primadonnas and can take direction.

This "Website in a Day" began as one of our Smart Site products and played out very well for our client. Once the initial site was built and online, we were called back to improve upon the styling. That is the scenario we envision for some of you- need for a very professional site, and then build onto it as the business grows and budgets allow or needs dictate. Our client had their content ready to go, and we literally built out a CMS site in 24 hours.

Site was redeveloped as a responsive design in 2015.

Visit this site online

Babyface Interactive

Babyface Interactive

Our good friend and "ace" programmer, developer, and technological counsel is also the founder of Babyface Interactive. We have been working together with John Scilipote since 2006 and have collaborated on many projects.

We were given the opportunity to design a logo, and redesign We were happy to help provide a fresh look and help present the services from one of the best programmers we've ever known.

Veronica Whitehead

Veronica Whitehead - Event Design, Production, and Management

Veronica Whitehead presented us with the challenge of creating the richest, most colorful, lush websites we have ever had the pleasure of designing. We were faced with thousands of photos to choose from to assemble a variety of carefully planned galleries. Veronica Whitehead and Company provides event design and production, and manages those gatherings around the globe. The site presents all aspects of her expansive repertoire with gorgeous photography from Spain, China, Russia, and more.

We created a flow through the site focused on imagery with intuitive navigation to browse the galleries. The Flash-heavy site is also fortified with our own brand of SEO and steadily gaining positions in the search engines. Who says you can't have a Flash site with great SEO?

Browse the site online, but we warn you to eat before you do. You will be starving by the time you make it to the contact page.

The Advertising Club of Westchester awarded this site with a Big W Award for 2009. We are thrilled to deliver award winning design to our clients in addition to expertly built websites built from the ground up.

Concorde Personnel

Responsive Website Design in Saint Augustine

Concorde Personnel was in need of a redesign and wanted a site they could manage themselves. Because they are an employment company, they needed a way to post and manage jobs within many categories.

We created a CMS with some customized functionality where each person that posts a job receives all correspondence related to that job. Jobs can be published easily but also unpublished but not deleted to save time if the same job becomes available more than once. In addition to the customized CMS, we have injected our own brand of SEO and Concorde is getting many great positions in the search engines and a steady flow of candidates responding to their offers.

This site was also awarded a Big W from the Advertising Club of Westchester in 2009.

Visit the site online now.

Hemlock Hill Farm

Expert Website Design Jacksonville FL

Hemlock Hill Farm came to us for a website they could keep current and update themselves. We said, "Drupal". We say that a lot these days and why not, it is the absolute best open source CMS we've seen.

What we have mastered is theming each Drupal website we design and build with a unique look and feel. We have built many of these CMS sites in 2008 and 2009 and plan to continue. In addition to global support and the Drupal community, we have clients that tell us how much they love it, and how simple it is to edit and add to their websites.

This site was awarded a Gold Big W from the Advertising Club of Westchester in 2009, it is one of our best sites. It's no coincidence our principal "GO2" guy was an agriculture student back in the day. Our client tells us that, "the website has changed the way we do business". We can listen to compliments like that 'til the cows come  home... 

Browse the site online.

PRESH Medspa

PRESH Medspa

PRESH. The name is unusual and immediately reminds us of "fresh" and that was part of the plan all along. We built the entire PRESH brand from scratch. We were approached by a client that had done their homework and had reviewed hundreds of websites. They also refused to settle for anything less than the best. We were happy to oblige. Challenging at every step of the way, this job proved to be a smashing success and remains at the top of our portfolio.

PRESH MedSpa is a complete job that we saw through from the beginning discussions of what the PRESH brand would represent to the opening of the spa and continued support in the form of menu brochures, cards , stationery, and storefront signage. We were able to utilize all of our capabilities to create the brand and offer advice throughout the entire process. We designed and produced lighted displays, and full page, color advertising in and around South Florida.

The PRESH Medspa website won a Big W Silver in 2007 from the Advertising Club of Westchester.

See the site in action.

Surgical Design

Surgical Design - The worlds leading innovators in Intraocular Microsurgery

Surgical Design is reaching out to a global marketplace providing advanced surgical systems for cataracts and vitrectomy surgery since 1968.

We wanted to create a site that reflected their existing marketing collateral consisting of sell sheets and brochures. It is very technical in nature so we wanted to present it in a way that was easy to navigate, easy to read, and visually stimulating. The site contains an online troubleshooting guide added recently providing valuable information to their client base where they previously had to send out paper versions by mail.

The Surgical Design website was awarded a Big W from the Advertising Club of Westchester in 2009 for Interactive Media: Business to Business website.

Our clients say...

"Dear Tim, and staff, We just want to thank you for the hands on and professional attention we received during the design and implementation of our two business websites. The sites came out beautiful and we couldn't be happier, your company is top notch! Almost immediately after the sites went live we noticed an increase in website traffic and referrals, your search engine optimization allows our sites to post high on search results for a large number of keywords. Your back end website programming not only ensures website functionality but also allows us to easily upload new photos and track where our website traffic originated from, this has proven to be a valuable asset in streamlining our advertising. We are glad we decided to upgrade our old sites and very happy we found a good company to handle the job properly."
—Joseph D'Asaro, Westchester Automated Gate & Salem Fence Co.