StoneCreek Development

StoneCreek Development was looking for a website that would convey the quality and craftsmanship of the homes they build. We worked together with our friends at JKS Software in Stamford, Connecticut to design the flash animations and overall look and feel for this online showcase. An onsite meeting with the principals at StoneCreek allowed us to witness first-hand, the incredible process of building a modular home. We wanted to portray the feel of one of these elegant buildings throughout the site with rich color and an architectural flavor.

Our clients say...

"I looked over the site again and the only feedback I have is positive. I really love it...look of the website is exactly what I had hoped for.  It is professional, yet inviting and warm and has the same feel as the brochure which I like."
—Alexandra Laufer Lobo, M.S., CCC-SLP