"I have known Tim for many years, first as a colleague and then as a vendor. I have used Tim's Web design services to support projects I run for the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University, and I frequently recommend GO2 Media to colleagues and friends. His work never disappoints. Tim combines out of the box thinking with a deep knowledge of the mechanics of Web design and production, which results in fresh and productive Web sites. He is easy to work with, flexible and fair--qualities you can't buy."
—Elizabeth Sparrow Tashiro, Assistant Dean, Information Technology - Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
Pecha Kucha Presentations by Area Artists, Designers and Creatives
GO2 Media Design founder, Timothy Wood was included in the roster of presenters at Westchester Community College's Peekskill Pecha Kucha Night. Other local presenters were multimedia artist Leah Quinn, Robert C. Maxwell of Maxwell Fine Arts Gallery, and author and cartoonist, Craig Yoe.His presentation included a personal introduction, a bit of history of the company, and many slides of example works related to website design and brand development.Pecha Kucha was devised in 2003 in Tokyo to give young designers a venue to meet, network, and show their work; they created a format that kept presentations very concise in order to encourage audience attention and increase the number of presenters within the course of one night. They took the name Pecha Kucha (usually pronounced in three syllables as "peh-chak-cha") from a Japanese term for the sound of conversation ("chit-chat").See: http://www.meetup.com/Peekskill-Art-Group/calendar/11906682/
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