Manzer's Landscape Design & Development

Manzer Landscape Design

Manzer's Landscape Design & Development provides professional landscape design, installation, and maintenance to residential and commercial clients. We provided them with a logo design rendered from their own concept, their company website, and a separate original plant database website.
Print collateral for marketing is in the works to fill out their marketing materials. We plan to build upon the established presence online with some added social marketing optimization (SMO). Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been a part of their website since we began.
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Our clients say...

"I have known Tim for many years, first as a colleague and then as a vendor. I have used Tim's Web design services to support projects I run for the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University, and I frequently recommend GO2 Media to colleagues and friends. His work never disappoints. Tim combines out of the box thinking with a deep knowledge of the mechanics of Web design and production, which results in fresh and productive Web sites. He is easy to work with, flexible and fair--qualities you can't buy."
—Elizabeth Sparrow Tashiro, Assistant Dean, Information Technology - Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University