Harrick Scientific Products

Harrick Scientific Products

The website for Harrick Scientific Products was designed and built by GO2 Media Design. This site is actually a redesign of an existing site that needed an upgrade to the navigation and presentation of the product catalog.There was also a need to simplify editing and organization of the content. We used Drupal as CMS and employed the taxonomy to categorize the entire product list. This site was a challenge due to the unique nature of specific products while attempting to find common ground. Each product has various separate elements associated with it including data sheets, application specs, and tables of related accessories. Look for yourself to fully understand the complex nature of these products.

Our clients say...

"Timothy Wood is a true master of visual communication. What sets his work apart is his attention to detail and his mastery in knowing exactly where and how to place those last couple of 'brush strokes' - a drop shadow here, a subtle outline there - that pull the entire concept together and make it pop."
—John Scilipote, Principal, Babyface Interactive, Inc.