Lori Lustig Logo

Logo Design St. Augustine, Graphic Design St. Augustine

Our client knew what she wanted before she walked in the door. Lori Lustig let us know from the start that this logo had to be quite special, of a particular color, and she needed to love it. We combined some straightforward type design with a very contemporary icon that represents the name and the type of business in one fell swoop.

Whew! That may seem overwhelming to some but we thought it sounded like fun and we loved the challenge. We were successful on all levels. We weren't the only ones either, the logo won a Big W Award from the Advertising Club of Westchester in 2008.

Our clients say...

"Yes, I would highly recommend (Timothy Wood Design) GO2 Media Design. Believe it or not, Tim and I have never met but we worked together for quite some time on the site.  ...Easy to work with, professional and I'm sure he would create a wonderful website..."
—Veronica Whitehead, Global Event Planner